Or perhaps it is restricting yourself to having only one dessert on special occasions and pray that you won’t physically resemble that big, fat, calorie-laden moist devil’s chocolate cake that you had devoured. All these sound pathetic, no? If you had answered with a resounding yes, fret not as there is an answer for those who love their desserts as much as they love their waistlines. Snuggled somewhere in Bandar Puchong Jaya, in Puchong, Selangor, is a bakery shop that has been getting a lot of raves not only from adults but from children as well. You can see the little kids standing close to the glass door of the shop, squinting their eyes, trying to get the best view of the desserts. The ‘action’ doesn’t stop there as they would wheedle their parents into entering the shop and buying the desserts.
“It’s so cute to see how they would cajole their parents into giving in to their demands and just looking at them makes me feel like I’ve done something right,” says 33-year-old Stephanie Yong, owner of Q Jelly Bakery Shop. The bakery has been in business since 2006 and it specialises in something that may never have crossed your mind – jelly cakes. These adorable jelly cakes come in different designs, from Barbie dolls with big gowns and fruitcakes to animals at the zoo and Marvel superheroes. “The difference between my jellies and those of others is that not only are they low in cholesterol, they also contain nearly 87% water and are rich in vitamins as well as other important nutrients. “The food colour dyes are approved by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States.
“On top of that, most of them do not contain eggs or dairy products and they are certified as halal,” she explains. More than 1,000 designs of jellies are available for you to choose from and they even do custom-made ones, according to your heart’s desires. There are quite a number of flavours, too, like Pandan, strawberry, chocolate, mocha, blueberry, fresh mangoes, honeydew, watermelon, dragon fruit and orange. According to Stephanie, the hot favourites so far are the pandan-flavoured Barbie dolls and the chocolate-flavoured aquatic designs. “We also welcome those who bring their own pictures for us to design and they get to choose the flavours they prefer,” she adds. The whole idea of making jellies came from her mother who was an avid cook and would spend most of her time educating Stephanie on baking and cooking at home. “She even got me to take up baking and cooking courses just so I won’t forget whatever she had taught me earlier,” Stephanie says. “I would say that I started making my first jellies was when I was only 11 years old, and that wasn’t the coolest age to be doing that.” Like many little girls who were exposed by their parents to do a certain task, Stephanie in the end grew fond of making these sweet gelatine desserts so much so that she decided to make some for her friends and family just to see their reaction. “They absolutely adored them! Some suggested that I do it as a business so here I am, doing this for two years already,” she exclaims. What most people don’t know is that jellies come in different grades, thus some would be more expensive than others. “Most of my products are from Japan and, to me, they are the best jellies one could find because of the smooth texture and they do not contain food additives and are animal-product free,” she explains. “Of course they are pricier, but I assure you that my jelly cakes won’t disappoint you.” It is advisable that you finish the cake on the day you buy it but should you need to keep it, the longest period is between four and five days, and at a temperature of below 10°C. Stephanie has two outlets: one in Ikano Power Centre (Lower Ground, next to the bowling alley), and the other in Bandar Puchong Jaya. If you would like to visit the one in Bandar Puchong Jaya, the address is No.15, Jalan Kenari 18B, Bandar Puchong Jaya, Puchong. Call her at 03-8076 1159 if you have questions and log on to www.qjelly.com to see the list of designs. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nst Jan 29, 2008 Wobbling about the right decision for a celebration? Take a cue from SHERRINE JAY who found colourful inspiration at Jellyland.
WANT to infuse a dollop of fun in a party? Looking for ways to enliven the table for special occasions? There’s something for all ages at Jellyland. The vibrant and diverse colours used to design the cakes have apparently captivated customers with kids as they keep coming back for more. ------------------------------------------------------------------
果凍(Jelly)是童年憧憬的零食,相信許多人都會毫不猶豫點頭。尤其那無法言喻的咬勁,潤滑入嚥的清涼,常是炎炎夏日或無聊發呆最好的打發品。 不過,當果凍披上繽紛色彩的衣裳,甚至從傳統制式包裝進化成聳立多樣化的卡通及人物造型,相信不僅小孩能滿足口感外的視覺享受,連大人都會停下腳步讚嘆現代業者的創意。 這是“Q Jelly Bakery”創業夢想,而董事經理兼創辦人楊寶麗解釋,從招牌“Q”就可直接詮釋該店生產果凍的模樣─口感很Q┼Cute(可愛)。尤其是後者,只要曾經走進該店舖,相信沒人能忘記玻璃鏡櫥櫃裡令人眼花撩亂如萬花筒的果凍造型。 “我也從未想過果凍可以讓許多人滿足開心,尤其連許多大企業慶祝週年企業與某歌手進行唱片宣傳時,寧願選擇果凍取代蛋糕為慶賀食品,證明果凍再也不是嘴邊零食那麼簡單,甚至可躍上大雅之堂成為正餐。” 因緣際會接觸廚藝 這位年輕媽媽說起創業過程時,一切都是機緣。她表示從小就喜歡往廚房鑽,而其母親認為她有廚藝天份,便帶她拜師學做蛋糕,這也正式開啟在粉團捏搓烘培的大門。不過,當時她坦言僅把這當作興趣,而果凍也只是學習的小部份而已,並沒有想到後來的創業商機。 “後來結婚生子後在家無聊,碰巧一些朋友舉辦派對及慶祝儀式,便嘗試顛覆傳統果凍呈現方式,比如混合許多顏色與水果,配合主題製作不同模型,結果大獲好評。在許多朋友口耳相傳下,連陌生人也上門要求定作,因此讓我看到商機。” 在獲得丈夫與親戚贊同她把興趣當作事業經營下,首家店在2006年蒲種成立,投資額達50萬令吉。其中包括生產機器與模具等,而模具還是遠至美國進口,因為當地的模具品質與款式較多。 由於市場反應不錯,1年後第二家分店則選定在Ikano Power Centre購物商場成立,投資額則只有30萬令吉,因為這家分店只負責銷售,每天依賴總店運送兩次果凍成品。目前兩家店人手約20人,不過在果凍蛋糕製造過程冗長與功夫細膩下,每年只能生產約100個果凍蛋糕,不過每個月營業額超過5位數,目前已經回本。 “雖然創業至今只有短短2年,可是在這過程中我卻得到許多滿足,尤其是消費群從單純吃果凍的顧客擴大至許多喜宴與佳節的送禮品等,就會發現這個市場潛力非常龐大。” 佳節訂單接不完 尤其是雙親節、情人節或中秋節等佳節,訂單往往讓她忙得透不過氣來,除非是提早1個禮拜訂貨,否則想在當天直接購買果凍蛋糕簡直是異想天開。特得一提的是,她還配合中秋節推出“果凍月餅”,即把果凍充當外皮,裡頭餡料則與一般月餅無異,起初她還擔心市場無法接受這種顛覆傳統的口味,不過推出後讓許多顧客驚嘆而紛紛搶購,讓她更肯定目前市場的包容力,也篤定了開第3家分店的決心。 楊寶麗表示,由於顧客非常欣賞並信任其果凍製造技術,因此常常會“出難題”,希望能配合特殊節日或意義特製許多創新果凍。雖然有些的確讓她聽所未聞,不過她卻視為樂趣,同時也會擴大素材適用範圍,讓顧客可以嘗試不同口味。 “目前60%果凍主要口味為班蘭(Pandan)口味,其他則包括巧克力或藍莓等。同時,我也會加入不同水果,儘量做到營養均衡,而這些來自日本的果凍粉擁有高纖維與低熱量,加上過程不加入雞蛋與牛油,不僅有助於排泄,連講求有機的素食者也可食用。” 由於該果凍不含防腐劑,因此不耐保存,雖然每個可保存3天,不過為了控制品質,她都把每天賣不完的果凍蛋糕丟掉,以免影響顧客的保存期限。 至於目前果凍售價方面,楊寶麗表示普通果凍為每公斤25令吉,立體果凍則為每公斤45令吉。她透露曾量身訂做一個價值高達2000令吉以上的5層高果凍。“該顧客要求做高達5層果凍蛋糕,之前曾估價在2000令吉左右,不過成品出爐後才發現超支額。雖然如此,我並無向顧客追討,因為過程的滿足感更重要。” 她也認為,雖然出售的果凍價格偏貴,可是仍有人願意消費,主要是社會繁榮富裕了,而許多家長可能為了補償童年的遺憾,因此目前更舍得花錢買果凍給孩子享受。“因此,這個市場仍有許多發展空間,我的願望是能把它變成聯鎖店,讓全馬許多人都能分享這種嶄新的飲食口味。” 星洲日報/財富廣場/一盤生意‧2008.06.14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
果凍蛋糕 金豬賀歲 ■ 款式別緻的遮厘蛋糕,最理想的重量是5kg或以上才有理想的效果。這只金豬帶著金銀財寶來賀歲,讓人感染到一片喜氣洋洋。 ■ 華人最講好意頭,福字倒轉即“福到”之意。 ■ 黃梨汁來調味的這只小肥豬色澤金黃,還帶著黃金賀歲,讓人看見也意興勃勃,眉開眼笑 ■ 黃梨有“旺來”之諧音,吃過黃梨遮厘蛋糕,今年一定比去年好。 舞台,每一層都要看準時間,遮厘不能太硬或太軟才能加入另一顏色的遮厘。非常耗時。
遮厘(Jelly)是大人和小孩最喜歡的甜品,QQ軟軟的口感,甜甜香香的味道,讓人有幸福的感覺。過去,我們吃的遮厘是傳統式的燕菜糕,口味不多,更甭說造型了。 現在年代不同了,口味選擇多且造型多樣化,能讓小朋友雀躍也只有色彩繽紛及立體造型的遮厘蛋糕。趁著新年來臨,Q Jelly Bakery Shop特別做可愛豬寶寶的遮厘蛋糕來應年。 不管你想要甚麼款式的遮厘蛋糕,這難不倒Q Jelly Bakery Shop的老闆娘Stephanie。她曾應顧客要求做了一個有馬賽地標誌的立體豪車遮厘蛋糕,也曾為小朋友做了多款立體的卡通造型遮厘蛋糕,以及3層高的結婚遮厘蛋糕。 此外,她也配合各大節日,如萬聖節、聖誕節、情人節、農曆新年等,做出不同主題的遮厘蛋糕。由於製作時間長,所以預訂時間至少3天。 製作一個立體遮厘蛋糕費時4小時以上,因為需有很多步驟來表現如彩虹般華麗的色彩,而遮厘凝固及加色都很耗時,完成後送進冰箱凝固則要8小時。 不用香精和防腐劑 剛開始做遮厘蛋糕時,她因時間拿捏不准、份量過多、造型無法凝固造成蛋糕倒塌,讓她感到挫折。即使目前已開業1年,在創作新款式時,偶而也會失手。 Stephanie說:“我在日本學這門手藝,日本人吃的遮厘有很多種,如果凍、蒟蒻、燕菜等,口味主要是綠茶紅豆和粟蓉,但這些口味不適合本地人,所以,我改用水果味、巧克力、Cappucino、藍莓和小孩子最喜歡的椰漿。” 為了讓遮厘蛋糕的味道更香純和健康,該店所做的遮厘蛋糕都不用香精來調味,而是以新鮮果汁,加上從美國進口的蛋糕專用食用色素來調味調色。同時也不添加防腐劑,所以消費者在購買后,最好能在3天內吃完。 她說,遮厘蛋糕存放在冰箱的時間,只能維持3至4天,若冰箱的雜物多,就只維持2天,因為其他食品的味道會影響遮厘蛋糕的口感。 Q Jelly |
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